Fishing Report

All fishing reports are exact. We will not exaggerate fish totals or weights to gain your business. All large fish are weighed on a Boga Grip.

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 10/3/202410/03/2024

Incredible Year In Review and Excitement About This Upcoming Season! Yesterday marked Day 1 of our new season! It was fun having some days off this Summer to catch my breath and have some down time with family, but I’m glad to now be back to fishing 7 days a week and excited to see how this new year shapes up with the drawdown! It was my most wildly successful year to date both business wise and number of trophy bass over the side of the boat. Ended up with an INCREDIBLE 255 trophy bass boated by my customers from October 1st of last year to September 30th of this year!!!! That includes a WHOPPING 53 bass 10lbs or above!!!! Didn’t quite get the record for 10 pound plus fish which was 74 I believe in 2021, but the 255 total topped the 190 total we caught that year and beats the previous best of 233 we caught in 2015! Thank you so much to all the wonderful folks that made this past year! and can’t wait to see what’s possible this year! I’m behind on my fishing reports, but the last few weeks have been fun. Most trips are producing between 40-50 bass per day with lots of great fish! The water is already coming down rapidly and is ahead of schedule and I’d estimate it’s already down 14-16 inches in the main pool! On day one of the drawdown yesterday long time customer Robin Hayes boated 47 with big bass being about 7lbs. Strap your seat belt in folks because here we go!!

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 8/30/202408/30/2024

It has been a darn good week of fishing! Here’s another fun trip to tell you about! I had new customers Richard and Linda Lange who are recent transplants to Central Florida. Now the Langes travel the world fishing and in fact had just got back from British Columbia fly fishing for Trout! The Langes decided they wanted to try their hand at some local trophy bass fishing. Their personal best between the two of them was 7 pounds and some change. Well that personal best record got shattered by BOTH of them! About 5 minutes into the trip Linda, not even really up to speed yet sets the hook and a big head comes out of the water! Linda guided the fish to the boat and as I grabbed the fish the hook came out, but lucky for us, not too soon! Linda had a beautiful and lean 8-3/4 pounder! A little while later Richard sets the hook on a fish that was probably 80 feet from the boat and again a BIG head breaches the water! He fights the fish to the boat and it makes a pass by the boat and we finally get her turned, up to, and in the boat! This Sumner Time beauty tips the scales at 10lbs 2oz!! They end up boating 30 bass in all! Not bad for their first crack at some local Trophy Bass! That brings the total Trophy Bass (8lbs and above) this season to a whopping 254 with an incredible 53 of those being double digit bass (10lbs and above)!

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 8/20/202408/20/2024

Good morning! Been a lot of stuff going on since my last update! A hurricane, a sick puppy and some good fishing! First as some of you know one of our pups, Peep, had come down with a serious neurological disorder. Through some great care and plan from Dr. Markos at UF Veterinary Medicine, I’m super happy to announce that she is doing well and at this moment seems to be recovering!! I don’t know what the future holds but I am grateful for every day with her! So we’ll keep praying and thank everyone for their prayers. The hurricane thankfully came and went and did limited damage. It did flood Rodman but is now receding and it helped in ways too. So hoping that holds, and the fish are there to be caught, you just have to know where to go and how to adjust. So without further ado here is some of the fine fishing since my long ago last report: New customer Nick Persons and fam had 39 bass to 9lbs. New customer Colby Eason and Co. caught 41 bass with an 8 & 9lber. Return customer Bill Watts had 43 bass with a 7lb 2ozer and a personal best 8lb 10ozer! New customer Mark Robinson and his son had 42 bass to 8-3/4lbs. New customer Robert Terry had 34 bass to 8-3/4 lbs. New customer Scott Alter and son had 37 bass to 7-1/4lbs. Long time customer Pat Cassidy had 44 bass to 5lbs. James Pollard and crew ended up with 51 bass total to 7lbs. New customer James Kuzirian had 25 bass with a pair of 7lbers. Long time customer Rocky Easterwood ended up with 70 bass with a pair of 7lbers! New customer Tom Kayser boated 23 bass to 7lbs. Cam Allen on his last day boated 35 bass to 6-1/2lbs. Greg Downing boated 31 bass to 6lbs. Last but not least new customer Tom boated 32 bass to 6-1/2lbs! That brings the total trophy bass this year over the side of the boat to 251 !!!!!

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 7/23/202407/23/2024

Sweet Summer Time !! The fishing has been great and just want to humbly thank our incredible customers for the trust you put in us to work hard to try and give you an unparalleled bass fishing experience. So blessed to guide folks year round as the trips and referrals keep pouring in! Here are some of the fun trips customers we have had since my last report on July 12th. Bob Nyce and his daughter made it in for another trip and the team boated 37 bass to 8lbs on a short morning trip. Next we had new customer John Person and son in for two days of fishing and they boated a spectacular 98 bass! Day one the pair boated 57 bass to 9-1/4lbs. Day two the guys got 41 with a pair of 8lbers. Next up was new customer Frank Bennett, Mr. Bennett had a great first trip with us boating 36 bass with one coming in just a shade under 9lbs at 8lbs 15oz. Next was yet another new customer Mr. Brian Swal. Mr. Swal and co. boated 44 bass on a short morning trip topped by a pair of 7lbers. Matt Maddox made it in for another trip and boated 35 bass to 7lbs. Long time buddies and customers Phil Kicklighter and Carroll Proffitt made it in for another expedition and the boys boated 68 bass total to 7lbs. Next I had longtime friend and customer Matt Tabachi and his son Owen sneak a couple of hours on one hot morning and they boated 24 beautiful Rodman bass topped by a 7-1/4lber. Last but certainly not least I had return customer Cameron Allen and crew in for Day 1 of their two day excursion and we boated 32 nice bass topped by a 7lb 1ozer. This takes our total to a crazy 245 trophy bass (8lbs or above) with 52 double digits so far this year!!

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 6/26/202406/26/2024

SummerSlam 2024 In Full Effect!! This may be my shortest fishing report ever as I had some people wondering where the report was for this week? So I wanted to try to get one out before I walked out the door but didn’t have much time to organize and get everyone’s pictures together, but I’ll bottom line it for you. The fishing is still absolutely CRAZY! There’s been 12 days since my last report and I’ve had 15 trips (some two trip days in there). Trips are typically producing between 30-65 bass per day right now with gobs of big, healthy and beautiful Summer Time bass! The most we boated was Dan Moon’s 66 bass the least was Steve Roadruck’s 19 bass on a slower day but that day produced our biggest bass of the stretch at 10lbs! That fish gives us 52 double digit bass this year!!!! Some really wonderful fishing right now for anyone looking to get in on it!

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 6/14/202406/14/2024

INCREDIBLE, INCREDIBLE SUMMER FISHING! Man I’m behind on my reports and not even sure where to start. But first I want to say thank you to all of the unbelievable folks that I am blessed to call customers! I simply have the best! You guys come regardless of season, weather and I’m truly humbled and want EVERY ONE of you guys to know that. I am so blessed to get to spend so many days on the water and it’s all because of you and I am humbled Now to the fun stuff! I’ve been telling everyone that I much prefer the slower months and that the fishing is nothing short of awesome and when you read this report you’ll understand why! It’s been 14 days since my last report and I have 14 fun trips to talk about!! I’ll try to keep it short so this doesn’t get too long! I had Terry Franklin and pal in for a 3 day trip trip. They boated 148 bass in 3 days! Day 1 they had 44 with a 7 and a 7.5. Day 2 they boated 50 to 10lbs. Day 3 they boated 54 to 8lbs 10oz. Next up we had Ken Reeves and Rob Green in for a 3 day trip and they boated 146 bass!! Day 1 they had 37 to 10.5lbs!! Day 2 they had 63 to 9lbs and on the last day they had 46 to 8lbs. Next up we had new customer Tom Schultz in for a 3 day trip and they boated 164 bass in 3 days!! Day 1 was 61 bass to 8lbs, Day 2 was 48 bass to 10lbs 2oz, Day 3 was 55 with 4 bass over 7lbs! Next up I had new customer James Bishop and his brother and dad in for a morning trip and they boated 24 bass with Dad getting a Summer HAWG and his personal best bass at 10-3/4 lbs!!!! Next up was long time customer Ray Haynes and friends in for two days and they boated 106 bass in two days! First day was 60 to 7lbs. Day 2 was 46 with the two biggest going 7-1/2 and 8.75lbs!! I then had Robin Hayes and his grandson back for another expedition and they caught 31 with the biggest going 8lbs 10oz. Last but certainly not least we had Josh Parker who had a great day catching 57 bass to 9-1/4lbs!!!! If you’ve read until the end you may be fish-drunk right now!! lol This incredible fishing brings the total number of bass over 10 pounds to 51 so far this year!!!! Also an incredible 233 total trophy bass so far this season (8lbs and above)!!!! LET’S GOOOO!!!!!

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 5/31/202405/31/2024

HOT, HOT FISHING JUST CONTINUING TO GET BETTER! As most of you that fish with me know, I’ve been saying for a while that I thought this Summer is going to be special and man it’s really starting to fire off! So much good fishing and lots of great fish. Here are the trips since my last report! We had the Orton Family in for a mornings fishing and Mr. Orton caught a real Summer BEAST! The Orton’s caught 47 nice bass in total topped by his monster 12lb 1ozer! Jeff Rouzie and friend David’s last day the duo boated 30 bass with fish weighing 8lbs, 8lbs 1oz & 9-1/2lbs! I then had Robin Hayes back for another trip and this time he brought friends Branson and Birdman and while they didn’t boat any giants the trio caught 93 bass in two days, 61 the first day and 32 the second, with 7-1/4 being the biggest! On Bob Gordon’s last day he boated 32 bass to 8-1/4lbs! Next up we had Meyer Hundley and few back for another trip and the guys boated 49 bass to 8lbs! The we had new customer Luke Graham in for a morning trip and they boated a whopping 67 bass to 9lbs!! Long time customer Garrett Hursey got back down for another trip and had a special morning, boating 54 bass with gobs of 5-6lb bass, two over 7lbs and a beautiful and young 8lb 7oz bass to top the day off! Next we had Gardner Macleod in for his first trip with us and he and two friends boated 66 bass with fish weighing 7, 8 and 9lbs 2oz! We then had the Sylvia family in for their first trip with us and in a short morning trip they boated 27 bass with fish weighing 7 and 8-1/2lbs! Last but certainly not least had Addison Nutt and friends in for a morning trip and the guys boated 24 bass and Addison got a bruiser of a 9lber!! Guys this Summer is gonna be special and I’m excited to see what it holds!!!!

Rodman Reservoir Fishing Report 5/21/202405/21/2024

BASS-A-PALOOZA 2024 Continues!! The fishing continues to be pretty much amazing and one of the many reasons I love this time of year! There’s been 10 fishing days since my last report and I do take one day off a week this time of year to get some down time, so I have 8 fun trips to tell you about! THOSE 8 TRIPS PRIDUCED 371 BASS!!!! Half the trips this last week or so have produced 53-63 bass!! First I’ll tell you about Mr. Bob Gordon. He came in to fish with us several days from Louisiana. The first 3 days of his trip Bob caught 133 bass! Day one Bob caught 53 bass to 7lbs 10oz. Day two Bob caught 61 bass topped by two 7lbers and an 8lber. Day three got cut short due to a bad storm that rolled in late morning but at that point he had 19 bass topped by two 9lbers! Then yesterday he boated 29 bass with literally just gobs of bass weighing 4-6lbs and also had one that went 8lbs and one that went 10lbs! He’ll wrap up his last trip with us this morning. Next up we had new customer Paul Johnson in to give it a whirl and he and crew boated an absolute pile of bass, if memory serves me correct, they caught 37 bass bass topped by bass weighing 7, 8 & 10lbs! Next up I had fun return customers Rodney and “Blondie” Crocker back for another trip and they boated 47 bass to 7lbs 10oz! Next I had long time customer, friend and former congressman Robin Hayes and his son Bob back for another trip and the boys boated 62 bass with two weighing about 7-1/2lbs and the biggest going 8-1/4! Last but certainly not least I had return customer and former Alabama linebacker Jeff Rouzie in for another trip and he and former friend and team mate David boated 63 bass, for our highest number total of the week, with the biggest being about 7lbs! We had a fish with a monster head shake off at the boat, but she got the better of us!! The above mentioned fish brings the total number for fish weighing 10lbs or better this season to 46! Also brings the total number of trophy bass(8lbs and above) to 210!! On pace for a potential record season for total number of trophy bass!!!